ph.έλαιον is a cold extracted extra virgin olive oil produced by olives of koroneiki variety that grow in Heraklion. Its taste is quite bitter due to the high phenolic index but it keeps some fruit notes. According to chemical analysis performed in a sample of 11/2018 at the Pharmacognosy and Natural Products Chemistry at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Athens, the concentration of oleocanthal was 310 mg/kg, of eleacin 272 mg/kg and the total 2079 mg/kg J. Agric. Food Chem. , 2012, 60(47), pp11696-11703, J. Agric. Food Chem. ,2014 62(3), 600-607 and OLIVAE, 2015, 122, 22-23). According to the results, the levels of these compounds are higher than the average of international olive oil samplings (135 and 105 mg/kg respectively) that were included in a study of the of University Californa, Davis. According to the EU regulation 432/2012, daily consumption of 20 grams of ph.έλαιον protects against blood lipid oxidation, that causes early ageing and several diseases.
2016. Our first attempt to produce olive oil
Clinical trials confirm the beneficial effects of daily intake of olive oil rich in phenols.
According to the EU 432/2012 regulation, olive oils that contain more than 5 mg of tyrosol and hydroxytyrosol derivatives per 20g of product protect against blood lipid oxidation, that causes early ageing and several diseases. Daily consumption of 20 g of ph.έλαιον offers all the above benefits to human health without any side effects or interaction with other treatments.
First gold medal at the International Olympia Health and Nutrition awards 2019. For 4 th consecutive year, the annual ceremony of Olympia Health and Nutrition awards took place at the Old Parliament of Athens on 12 th of May 2019, organised by the non-profit Organization World Olive center for health, the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, EGTC EFXINI POLI, the partners of the ARISTOIL project, the assistant Professor
Prokopis Magiatis and Dr Eleni Melliou. This year the competition involved 1569 samples of olive oil from 8 countries: Greece, Croatia, Italy, Spain and Cyprus were awarded. It should be noted that the awards are given
solely on the basis of the concentration of the health protective substances of the European Health Claim Regulation and are awarded to producers for their care for the production and promotion of olive oil as a product for the protection of human health, and the content in phenols according to the EU Regulation ΕΕ 432/2012. For the first time, very important results from two American universities were announced regarding the action of high phenolic olive oil and its active ingredients, in particular oleocanthal, which showed that they can inhibit the progression of Alzheimer’s disease and breast cancer in experimental animals while it has been shown that they can be used in synergy with classical drugs with even more positive results. Particularly important were the announcements on the effect of high phenolic olive oil on patients with mild cognitive impairment and Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia, and also the announcement of the beginning of three trials in patients with multiple sclerosis, with diabetes and to athletes regarding the effect on stamina.
The fact that the president of World Olive Center for Health, Dr Eleni Melliou, emphasized that there is now a major change in the way the international scientific community faces the Choumerianos family motivation to continue with the same cultivation and olive oil production methods. Our aim is to produce a high quality olive oil, with therapeutical and protective properties for human health, and not the product’s quantity.
Gold medal at the International Olympia Health and Nutrition awards 2020. More news to come.
The olive oil and the occupation with olive cultivation is a part of the Greek life, culture and civilization. At the educational exhibition ENERGY- ENVIRONMENT (www.aktisaeliou.com) owned by the family among other educational programmes, a program about olive oil is presented to students of primary and secondary schools of Crete. We believe that education and the transmission of knowledge to younger people is very important, since the young ones will be the future producers of Crete. It is crucial to understand that that the high quality olive oil is produced only with the right practices and the knowledge of science. The final goal, is the education of the general population of Crete that is occupied with olive oil production, for the nutritional benefits and the production methods.
Recent International Publications
1. Ditano-Vázquez P, Torres-Peña JD, Galeano-Valle F, et al. The Fluid Aspect of the
Mediterranean Diet in the Prevention and Management of Cardiovascular Disease
and Diabetes: The Role of Polyphenol Content in Moderate Consumption of Wine
and Olive Oil. Nutrients. 2019 Nov 19;11(11).
2. Marcelino G, Hiane PA, Freitas KC, et al. Effects of Olive Oil and Its Minor
Components on Cardiovascular Diseases, Inflammation, and Gut Microbiota.
Nutrients. 2019 Aug 7;11(8).
3. Larussa T, Imeneo M, Luzza F. Olive Tree Biophenols in Inflammatory Bowel Disease:
When Bitter is Better. Int J Mol Sci. 2019 Mar 20;20(6).
4. Segura-Carretero A, Curiel JA. Current Disease-Targets for Oleocanthal as Promising
Natural Therapeutic Agent. Int J Mol Sci. 2018 Sep 24;19(10).
5. Reboredo-Rodríguez P, Varela-López A, Forbes-Hernández TY, et al.
6. Phenolic Compounds Isolated from Olive Oil as Nutraceutical Tools for the
Prevention and Management of Cancer and Cardiovascular Diseases. Int J Mol Sci.
2018 Aug 6;19(8).
7. Pedret A, Fernández-Castillejo S, Valls RM, et al.Cardiovascular Benefits of Phenol-
Enriched Virgin Olive Oils: New Insights from the Virgin Olive Oil and HDL
Functionality (VOHF) Study. Mol Nutr Food Res. 2018 Aug;62(16).
8. Tsolakou A, Diamantakos P, Kalaboki I, et al. Oleocanthalic Acid, a Chemical Marker
of Olive Oil Aging and Exposure to a High Storage Temperature with Potential
Neuroprotective Activity. J Agric Food Chem. 2018 Jul 18;66(28):7337-7346.
Current projects with financial support from World Olive Center for Health
Clinical study on humans on leucemia
Clinical study on humans for Alzheimer disease
Clinical study on humans for Multiple Sclerosis
Study for skin cancer/olive oil
Study for diabetes/olive oil on humans
Clinical study on humans for cholesterol
Olive oil study to increase strength of athletes
Announcements at the International Olympia Health and Nutrition awards Very important results from two American universities were announced regarding the action of high phenolic olive oil and its active ingredients, in particular oleocanthal, which showed that they can inhibit the progression of Alzheimer’s disease and breast cancer in experimental animals while it has been shown that they can be used in synergy with classical drugs with even more positive results. Particularly important were the announcements on the effect of high phenolic olive oil on patients with mild cognitive impairment and Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia, and also the announcement of the beginning of three trials in patients with multiple sclerosis, with diabetes and to athletes regarding the effect on stamina. The high phenolic olive oils that were used in the clinical studies in the US and Greece were selected among thousands of samples by the University of Athens and the team of Professor Prokopios Magiatis. In the first study, performed under the supervision of Professor Magda Tsolaki in Univ. of Thessaloniki, Chalkidiki early harvest oil with a high phenolic content showed that it can reduce certain categories of symptoms in patients with mild cognitive impairment (precursor stage of Alzheimer’s disease) after daily consumption of 40 gr for almost two whole years, compared with the control group that did not receive any specially selected olive oil. Already from the first year of the study, the results of which were announced last year, it has been shown that high phenolic olive oil provides protection to the central nervous system confirming the studies conducted in experimental animals at various universities around the world.
In the second study, performed under the supervision of Professor Rojas (University of Peloponnese), olive oil rich in oleocanthal from the Lianolia Corfu variety was given for a period of three months up to 1.5 years in a total of 30 patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia or monoclonal gammopathy of unspecified significance at such a stage of the disease that chemotherapy was not yet necessary. The striking results showed a decrease or stabilization of white blood cells, a specific death of cancer cells and a fall in cancer markers in a significant number of patients. At the same time, olive oil improved a series of biochemical indices without any negative effect on patients. This year’s results confirmed the initials announced last year in a smaller number of patients and give great optimism for the future. This is the first time that there are so strong indications about the healing properties of high oleocanthal olive oil in oncology patients.